About Shona


Completion of the 3 year Official Swiss Beautician Apprenticeship (EFZ)


Diploma in Business Studies


Completion of Beautician Instructor/Tutor Course


Examiner for the Official Swiss Finals (for EFZ)


Completion of Official Swiss Medical Beauty Expert (FA) Diploma

Member of the SGMK – Schweizerische Gesellschaft für medizinische Kosmetik/ Swiss Society of Medical Cosmetic

2014Founding and Opening of cinnia cosmetic
2019Reiki I +II Degree in the Usui System of Natural Healing
2020Orthomolecular Cosmetology

2021Akashic Records Readings
2023Sachkundenachweis V-NISSG

On the 1st of November 2014, I opened cinnia cosmetic at Zeltweg in Zurich. My main goal is to offer you an individual and excellent service, clean products and authentic beauty treatments.

Through many experiences and further education in traditional and medical cosmetics, I know how to care for, optimize and protect the skin (your outer layer.)

As I developed more in the last 18 years in this field of "skin", I have grown internally and have naturally learned more. I find it relevant to also integrate other aspects into a skin treatment, because in my job I always work on humans. I view you in your whole essence, in mind, body and soul.

Over time, through my sensitivity, I have learned to read faces in general and can also recognize on the skin when something is not running smoothly internally. This can mean physical cause and/or a call from your soul.

This is how I came to look at people with the orthomolecular aspect in addition to energy medicine.

Because you are not just your "outer layer", but an energetic being with emotions and baggage (which we all have), because life is not linear, and we are actually here to learn and enjoy.

We carry our "baggage" either inside us (invisible to the eye) or over time it also appears on our skin.

I love my work here because I love empowering people. Whether it's giving them an oasis of well-being, optimizing their skin or touching their soul.

In a time where so much fear, uncertainty and doubt is spread,    I see the work with the Akashic Chronic and with Reiki as something very valuable.

I love helping people to see their own power, love and to remind them of their full potential.

In the next few months, I will deepen my knowledge of orthomolecular cosmetics and supplements. As well as offering Akasha Readings for your soul.

Because I believe more than ever, when you feel good, you look good! - Shona