Energy Treatments

Energy treatments are just as much a part of cinnia cosmetic as medical beauty treatments.

Because we live in a world full of duality. I have always had a tendency towards the mystical, energetic, or even spiritual, but always with both feet firmly on the ground.

I have to be able to feel it, almost touch it. I have to have proof that it works. And above all, I don't do things by halves.

If you'd like to hear about my own story, you can find it here. Because even though I've always had a passion for energy treatments, something had to happen to me personally to really get into it and offer it to my clients.

Since 2016 I have also been working with energy treatments in my practice and I would like to explain to you exactly what it involves.

I make myself available as a channel for these treatments. I connect with the source and serve you as a channel to the source during this time. I recommend that you record the sessions as I cannot remember afterwards.

Why get an energy treatment?

As we are all energetic beings, indeed everything around us is energy too, these treatments always work.

The more receptive/open/aware we are, the more we feel the benefits of it. Such a treatment can be used for headaches, sluggishness, sadness, fatigue, irritability and so much more. This treatment does not promise to cure any disease and cannot be compared to medical treatment.

However, the results can be impressive, as they have been for me and many others.

Which treatment should I get?

It is best to find out for yourself, and I'll be happy to be of assistance. For someone who is dealing with energy for the first time, a Reiki treatment is certainly a good start. After that, there are always "increases". Whatever treatment calls you, is the right one. Trust yourself.

What is Reiki?

It is suitable when you need an energy update. The body takes the energy it needs, exactly where it needs it. This gives you a balance. Reiki can change physical symptoms and also emotions. Learn more here.

What is a Clearing?

This is suitable if you feel blockages that are holding you back. Clearing involves Reiki treatment as well as clearing any blockages and optimizing the chakras. Connecting with your Higher Self creates more primal trust and gives you courage. Learn more here.

What is an Akasha Reading?

In addition to Reiki and clearing, it includes a connection to the Akashic Chronicle. Your energy gets an upgrade, blockages are cleared and you can ask any questions that are bothering you. Your Higher Self and your personal Spirit Team are at your disposal. Learn more here.