IPL/SHR hair removal

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and refers to a procedure for hair removal using a high-energy light source.

SHR stands for Super Hair Removal.

Like the IPL method, SHR releases light pulses. However, the frequency of the light pulses is higher. While IPL works with a few, high-energy flashes, SHR works with many, less energetic flashes. The treatment speed is therefore increased.

In contrast to laser technology, which works with a single, fixed wavelength (e.g. 810 nm for the Diode Laser), IPL technology uses the complete spectrum of a xenon light source, which is restricted to the wavelength range necessary and effective for the treatment by using filters.

The restriction to this wavelength range serves to ensure that only the hair pigment melanin is heated, but not the other tissue under the skin (water, blood, etc.)
For the cosmetic treatment of skin lesions, a broader light spectrum (530-1,200 nm) should therefore be used.

Should I choose IPL or SHR?

You can rely on us to decide individually when which method is most effective and quickest. We take into account your hair colour, skin colour and state of health.

How does a treatment work?

First of all, we take an anamnesis, which means that we ask you questions about your state of health, your skin etc. Then the treatment is explained to you and the future procedure, such as the intervals between appointments, is explained.

After that we go into the treatment room, where you take a comfortable seat and cleanse your skin, apply the ultrasound gel and off we start.

Afterwards, we use pure aloe vera gel to optimally soothe and moisturise the skin.

Things to know before and after the treatment:

- No sunbathing
- no solarium
- please shave your hair
- Inform in case of changes of your health

-no sunbathing
-no solarium
-Do not apply perfume/deodorant/essential oils to the treated area.
-no sauna/steam bath